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Showing posts from June 14, 2020

White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat Hackers | What's the Difference | Everest Guru

In this article, we provide you with some meaningful information related to White Hat Hackers , Black Hat Hackers and Grey Hat Hackers . Everest Guru hopes the contents of this article will assist you in many ways, if you want to explore the concept of types of hackers. What are the differences between Black Hat, White Hat and Grey Hat?  Answer: Hackers are generally regarded as Intruders or Frauds but not all hackers are inherently bad. The word ‘Hacker’ is generally used in relation to cyber criminals, but a hacker can be anyone, regardless of their intentions, who utilizes their knowledge of computer hardware and software to break down and bypass security measures on a computer device or network. Hacking on its own never criminal unless it is done with fraudulent intentions and without the owner’s permission. Presently, many companies and government agencies employ hackers to help them secure their systems. Generally, some metaphorical terms are used for hackers like, ‘ white